Wow, life just gets more and more crazy. Between working full-time, scouts, tumbling, karate, homework, meetings, etc...sometimes I just wish I could have a "mom-duplication" machine. It's also time to start up with baseball again, which will add one more layer! I sometimes feel like bursting to tears or letting out a big scream when I feel like I am needed for something all day at work, then I come home to "Mom! Mom! Mom!" every 5 seconds. The other night as I got into bed Craig asked something and I just said "Can I PLEASE have 5 minutes to myself where I am NOT needed?!"...poor Craig got to have my frustration come out at him. (Sorry honey.) Reflecting on the last few stressful weeks I guess I need to shift my thinking and be THANKFUL that I am needed, wanted, and loved. I am so blessed and all in all, having my children and husband need me is a beautiful thing because they are my life. I pledge to chillax just a bit and enjoy the blessings that are all around me!