Friday, January 9, 2009


Have you ever had one of those days that makes you really look at your life? Today is one of those days for me. When you lose someone you love, when you see others lose someone they love, when you fear loss, when you see someone compromise their value or priorities for senseless things... it makes you step back and ask yourself "are my priorities where they should be?". These redefining moments are actually probably good for us, as they make us treasure the things that really matter. The company I work for would probably replace me and forget I was even there after a while, but family is forever. Family and those you really love are not replaceable. I hope I can always remember a few simple things as I go throughout life. 1) The most important work I will ever do will be within the walls of my own home. 2) Nothing in this life should be more valued than time with family and loved ones. 3) Nothing will lift you up more than helping others. 4) Time is precious - Don't focus on the moments when you're out of breath, but on the moments that take your breath away. 5) We should never make exceptions to our values or priorities - the moment you do, they are weakened. Anyways, here's to enjoying every moment in life and keeping our priorities straight. :)


  1. I teared up when I read that. You are the greatest mother, wife and friend, don't ever forget that!!! x0x0x0x0 Heffer

  2. You are still the inspiring woman I have come to know and love! Thank you for those words, it's nice to hear a reasoning voice out there amongst all of the icky clutter! You are wonderful. I am so glad that you found me. It's nice to keep up on eachother and our families while we are so far apart. I cannot believe how old your kids are. And your little precious girl. Thought you'd never get one huh. :) Well I am starting to wonder if I will ever get my lil man. :) Miss you. Keep in touch!! xoxoxox
